Foul Play

D: Colin Higgins
Paramount (Thomas L. Miller & Edward K. Milkis)
USA 🇺🇸 1978
116 mins
W: Colin Higgins
DP: David M. Walsh
Ed: Pembroke J. Herring
Mus: Charles Fox

Goldie Hawn (Gloria Mundy), Chevy Chase (Lt. Tony Carlson), Burgess Meredith (Mr. Hennessey), Dudley Moore (Stanley Tibbetts), Rachel Roberts (Gerda Casswell / Delia Darrow), Eugene Roche (Charlie Thorncrest)
Screwball comedy-thriller-meets-Hitchcock parody which is basically a series of homages to the iconic director, but is still entertaining and often amusing.
Goldie Hawn's kook & Chevy Chase's reporter team up to prevent a plot to assassinate the pope in San Francisco, deviated by a group of strange individuals including a murderous dwarf and a sinister albino.
While the film is clearly the work of a magpie who's seen all the Hitchcock films, it is thoroughly enjoyable, on the same level as the same screenwriter's Silver Streak (qv).

Chevy Chase & Goldie Hawn in Foul Play
Chevy Chase & Goldie Hawn in Foul Play