
CATCH-22 (15)
D: Mike Nichols
Paramount (Martin Ransohoff & John Calley)
USA 🇺🇸 1970
121 mins
W: Buck Henry [based on the novel by Joseph Heller]
DP: David Watkin
Ed: Sam O'Steen
PD: Richard Sylbert
Alan Arkin (Capt. Yossarian), Martin Balsam (Col. Cathcart), Richard Benjamin (Maj. Danby), Art Garfunkel (Capt. Nately), Bob Newhart (Maj. Major), Anthony Perkins (Chaplain Tappmann), Paula Prentiss (Nurse Duckett), Martin Sheen (Lt. Dobbs). Jon Voight (Milo Minderbinder)
Joseph Heller's classic anti-war novel gets it's big screen adaptation which left purists a little peeved, but is good enough entertainment for those who've not read the original book, bolstered by Alan Arkin's performance as Captain Yossarian, an American pilot whose attempts to have himself grounded by the medical personnel are futile, since they declare anyone who is willing to fly during air raids must be crazy, therefore asking to be grounded prove that he is of sound mind. The paradoxical catch-22 of the title.
The film depicts an empty, philosophical vision of war, with moments of black comedy, but ultimately it's Arkin's performance which keeps up the viewer interest.

Alan Arkin in Catch-22
Alan Arkin in Catch-22